Altosid® SBG II
Altosid® Silica Based Granules (SBG) provide up to 7 days of residual control of mosquito larvae, through the 4th instar. The flexible solution can be applied pre- or post-hatch, to a variety of standing water sites from roadside ditches and storm drains to pastures and fruit orchards. The active ingredient, (S)-methoprene, works via ingestion or contact to prevent the emergence of adult mosquitoes. Effective in cold water, Altosid® SBG II features a heavy bulk density, allowing for better swath width and ideal vegetation penetration.
- 50% more (S)-methoprene than the original SBG
- Silica based granule for enhanced point source coverage
- Consistent granule for improved application flexibility
- DR-Tech for virtually dust free applications
- Application rates of 3 to 20 lbs per acre
- Active ingredient, (S)-methoprene, controls larvae through ingestion or contact
- Controls larvae even in cold water
- Up to 7 days of residual control
- Controls larvae through the 4th instar
- Heavy bulk density allows provides for better swath width and superior vegetation penetration